How to Play Blackjack – Expert Tips for Blackjack
John Cummins | January 2, 2021 | Updated on: October 8th, 2024

If you’re looking for a complete guide on how to play blackjack online, then you’ve come to the right place. We’ve compiled this guide to help you learn the basic rules, strategies, and steps to start making a profit.
Plus, we’ve listed the premium online casinos that offer almost every type of blackjack you can imagine. So, keep reading for some expert breakdowns on how to play blackjack like a pro.
How Blackjack Works – Card Game Rules
Before we dive in and take you through how to play Blackjack, our Blackjack guide must give you a strong foundation to build on. We highly recommend reading through our Online Blackjack page, which will provide you with everything you could ever need to know about the game, but here the most important aspects you need to know.
How to Play & Win at Blackjack & Card Values
Before you can start playing Blackjack online, it is important to understand the game’s main aim. In Blackjack, players are competing with the dealer. The goal is to get a hand valued at 21 or closer to 21 than the dealer’s hand.
With 21 being the goal, let’s take a quick look at the value of the cards.
- Ace – An Ace is valued at either 1 or 11
- Face Cards – Face Cards, K, Q, J, are valued at 10
- 2-10 – The normal playing cards have their face value, so a 5 is valued at 5.
House Edge in Blackjack
Blackjack has a relatively low house edge; however, it does vary between different game variants. Several factors impact this, including the number of decks being used and if the dealer must stand on a soft 17. Generally speaking, the house edge could be as low as 0.43% or as high as 2%. Still, this is a shallow house edge, and your technique can influence how well you do.
Counting Cards in Online Blackjack
Counting cards is a technique used in Blackjack that keeps track of the cards that have been dealt out. By doing so, you know what cards remain and can determine the odds of high and low-value cards being dealt out. Card counting is quite difficult to do correctly, and land-based casinos can remove you from the table if they suspect you are using this technique.
In terms of online casinos, card counting is practically pointless. Blackjack’s online games will use between six and eight decks of cards, and the decks are completely reshuffled after each hand, something that doesn’t happen in land-based casinos.

How to Play Blackjack Online – Step by Step Guide
Now you have the basics; it’s time to look at how you actually play the game online. You will see your available bankroll, as well as many casino chips of different values.
- Choose the size of your bet. You do this by clicking on the casino chips to create your desired bet.
- Once you are happy with your bet size, click on the deal button. You will now be dealt two face-up cards, as will the dealer.
- The game will tell you the value of your hand. If the dealer has an Ace, the game will notify you. If you were dealt two of the same cards, you will be given the option to Split your hand.
- Now, you have to assess your hand’s value and choose to hit or stand. Hitting means you’ll get another card while standing means you are happy with your hand’s value, and no more cards will be dealt.
- If you choose to stand, the dealer will reveal their cards. The dealer will then Hit or Stand. The value of their hand will be totaled, and whoever is the closest to 21 will win.
Important Blackjack Terms
If you’re going to learn how to play Blackjack properly, there are a few terms that you need to be familiar with.
- Bust – When a hand exceeds a value of 21, and it means the hand automatically loses.
- Blackjack – This is the strongest hand in the game. It consists of an Ace and a card with a value of 10. Whoever has a Blackjack hand wins immediately.
- Hit – To request another card from the dealer.
- Stand – No more Cards will be dealt
- Split – When you get two of the same cards, you can split them and essentially play two hands.
- Hard Hand – A hard hand is a hand with a fixed value, as in there is no Ace.
- Soft Hand – A soft hand has an Ace in it, with a value of 1 or 11. This means the hand has two potential values and cannot go bust by requesting another card.
- Double Down – Some versions allow you to double down when confident of a win. This means you double your bet but are allowed to draw one more card only.
- Up Card – The dealer’s card that is facing up, so you can see its value.
- Hole Card – The dealer’s card is facing down, so you cannot see its value.
Playing Blackjack: Tips and Tricks
While we will go into more detail on Blackjack strategy elsewhere on the site, here are a few helpful tips and tricks for new players.
- Play blackjack for free before playing for real money
- Learn blackjack rules and card values
- The main goal of Blackjack is to beat the dealer, not to get 21.
- Set yourself a bankroll and stick to it.
- Always make sure you are sober when playing Blackjack or any casino game. Gambling while intoxicated leads to poor decision making.
- Always consider the dealer’s up-card before making your decision.
- If the value of your hand is less than eight, you should always hit.
- Should you get a pair of Aces or Eights, the general rule is to split them.
- If you have a hand with a value of 18, it is wise to stand.
- You should also stand on 17 if the dealer’s up-card is seven or less.
- If your hand is valued between 12 and 16, you should hit if the dealer’s up-card is less than seven.
More about Blackjack
For more tips and tricks to use at casinos, check out our guides below.